Saturday, January 2, 2010

CommunityChannel - YOUTUBE PERSON ~ Review

Alright, so I have never done a youtube person as a review, so this one will be a different kind of blog. Natalie Tran is the name of this youtube personality. She is known as Nat and as a friendless girl who has nothing better to do with her time than make videos for her subscribers, which I'm sure isn't actually true.

First things first, check her out! and no, I'm not being paid by her to make you see her videos. That'd be... strange, to say the least.

Second of all, her content. She was the first person on youtube that I subscribed to and she makes me laugh with every single video, regardless of my mood. The first video I saw of hers was called directions, or something along those lines. And how true it is! The video, in a nutshell, is how when some people go to ask for directions, they hear the first few and then start to tune out and completely have absolutely NO CLUE what the person just said. Most of her videos are exactly like this. My summary of that video was crap, but her videos certainly aren't. She is absolutely hilarious and worth checking out.

Third, the graphics. She does split screen. That makes me so jealous. Why? Because I wish I could do split screen. Though my friend's father says it's not as hard as I think it is, I still wish I could do it. I'm sure it takes a lot of work and I know it.

Fourth, popularity. Within my group of friends, if I bring up Nat's videos, they have no clue who I'm talking about and it's really depressing. But when I talk to my friends online, they ALL know who she is and it's amazing. Whenever she updates, I say to my friends, 'Guys! Nat updated! Yay!' and we watch the video together. I really can't do that with any of my other subscribed people. Actually, it's funny. My dad was the one who introduced me to Natalie. Since then, I have watched every single one of her videos and love them.

If you love her videos as much as I do, well good! Then I've done my job. But seriously, check her out. It's worth it. She does some amazing videos and it's worth it.

And, on another note, Happy New Years!