Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Heyhey~! This is Tay. I already have a blog on my website, but I almost never update it because it's hard. Before you say 'No it's not!' well, you don't have the same system I do at my house. After I update, I have to use an entirely other computer--Well, never mind, you probably don't care. But, if I have this blog and I talk about things that happen in my life and THEN put it on my website, I'm sure my friend, specifically someone, would be very happy.

And because she is my daughter (not biologically or foster or anything; It's a friend thing; Don't ask.), I want her to be happy. Yeah, because that makes so much sense. Point being, maybe I'll get more people to come to my site, which would make me happy~ And yes, my blog is pink for now. That is partially because I love the color pink.

What do you want to know about me? Frequent questions:

Name: Tay
Age: 999 ;]
Single?: How nice of you to ask, but no, I'm not a single-celled organism.
Sex: Female.
Location: I'm the monster in your closet! Nice to meet you.
Truthful: Sarcastic. ^^ <3
Funny?: That's really up to you.
Favorite color: Pink, for now. It changes.
Favorite sport: HAHAHA. Me? Sports? xD
Hobby: Writing.
-Obsession: Roleplaying. xD
Favorite Person: -gasp-! Why would you ask such a question?!
End of questions?: Yes please!

So, that's what you get to know about me. I'm a 999-year-old female who is a creeper. Awesome, right? ;] You know you think so. Anyway, I'm hyper for absolutely no reason. Please do not be repelled by this. Ask anyone. I am NOT like this ALL the time... Just... some times...

Yeah, I'm going to stop typing before I scare you all... Bye~


  1. Hey, hey, hey. It's me...Ash. Anyways, I'm very excited that you decided to get a blog(like the colour) and I can't wait to read it!

  2. heya girl~
    you must be some weird kind of alien ... how else do you get into EVERY SINGLE person's closet EVERY SINGLE night?? haha wait don't tell me ... you're special!!

    p.s. ash~ i have a blog too now. go find me!


  3. Ah, Anya, you know me too well. xD

  4. Hello Taya!!! I love the blog and the color and oh that's your alien slime in my closet... try to be neater next time <3
