Saturday, August 29, 2009

True Blood - TV SHOW ~ Review

First things first, a summary. True Blood, as far as I've watched, is about this girl who gets pulled into the vampire world, completely accidentally, and has to live through said situation. I stopped watching in the beginning because it bugged me so much. So, if you like the show, I highly recommend you stop reading NOW. I know what you're going to say: Don't criticize something you haven't seen all of. My response: I couldn't stand it enough to watch any more of it. It gave me the worst headache ever.

Second, the casting. Sookie (Sukie, however you spell it) really bugs me SO much. Whenever she comes on the screen, ALL I can see is that gap in her teeth. The vampire guy, whose name I cannot remember, I think it starts with a B... He was an okay casting call. He reminds me a bit of the vampire in MoonLight, which I decided not to review since I just cannot remember it that well. The two vampires look similar, but do not act similar.

Third, the directing. I honestly am not going to complain about the directing because I have nothing to say. The directing does not bother me. Not at all. The acting is an okay-job. I'm not going to criticize or condone the directing.

Fourth, the overall story, I don't know the overall story and I cannot say it's overdone, because it was one of the first vampire shows to surface in the TV world in this new vampire era. But, if you include books and whatnot, then it kind of is overdone. Although, the idea of a blood 'substitute' that's not actually blood bugs me. Why can't they just drink cow's blood? Simple, isn't it? Yeah. And, plus, vampires do not have souls.

Overall, I hated the show. Do not take my review and take it to heart, because this review makes me sound like a cold-hearted bitch. I just do not like the show. Do not judge me for this review. My other reviews are... better, mostly. My reviews are biased, and I realize that. But, aren't all reviews, kind of...?

Next on REVIEW: The Proposal - MOVIE

B/N: If you have something for me to watch, see, or look at, let me know and I'll see, watch, or look at whatever it is and review it.

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