Saturday, January 2, 2010

CommunityChannel - YOUTUBE PERSON ~ Review

Alright, so I have never done a youtube person as a review, so this one will be a different kind of blog. Natalie Tran is the name of this youtube personality. She is known as Nat and as a friendless girl who has nothing better to do with her time than make videos for her subscribers, which I'm sure isn't actually true.

First things first, check her out! and no, I'm not being paid by her to make you see her videos. That'd be... strange, to say the least.

Second of all, her content. She was the first person on youtube that I subscribed to and she makes me laugh with every single video, regardless of my mood. The first video I saw of hers was called directions, or something along those lines. And how true it is! The video, in a nutshell, is how when some people go to ask for directions, they hear the first few and then start to tune out and completely have absolutely NO CLUE what the person just said. Most of her videos are exactly like this. My summary of that video was crap, but her videos certainly aren't. She is absolutely hilarious and worth checking out.

Third, the graphics. She does split screen. That makes me so jealous. Why? Because I wish I could do split screen. Though my friend's father says it's not as hard as I think it is, I still wish I could do it. I'm sure it takes a lot of work and I know it.

Fourth, popularity. Within my group of friends, if I bring up Nat's videos, they have no clue who I'm talking about and it's really depressing. But when I talk to my friends online, they ALL know who she is and it's amazing. Whenever she updates, I say to my friends, 'Guys! Nat updated! Yay!' and we watch the video together. I really can't do that with any of my other subscribed people. Actually, it's funny. My dad was the one who introduced me to Natalie. Since then, I have watched every single one of her videos and love them.

If you love her videos as much as I do, well good! Then I've done my job. But seriously, check her out. It's worth it. She does some amazing videos and it's worth it.

And, on another note, Happy New Years!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Proposal - MOVIE ~ Review

Disclaimer: I haven't seen this movie in quite some time. I decided to review this movie right after I'd seen it in theaters.

First things first, a summary. In short, this movie is about this woman who is supposed to be deported, but decides to pull an innocent man into her little scheme to stay in America. So she marries him so she can stay where she is. But, the government has other plans.

Second, the casting. The casting was great. The actors did fantastic jobs. It was really quite easy to be able to tell which character was which. The jock, the cute grandmother, the witch. Things like that. I think pairing Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock was a great casting call. The two really pulled off what they were going for.

Third, the directing. It was done very well. Anne Fletcher deserves a round of applause. I cannot think of a better way to have directed this movie. She added in comedy to, what would be, a really dramatic situation. The movie was absolutely hilarious. I'd definitely like to see more of her movies to see what else she has procured.

Fourth, the overall story. I loved it. I'm a sucker for romantic comedies, and this was no different. If you absolutely adore romantic comedies, like I do, then you should check out this movie. I don't want to give anything away, although if it's a romantic comedy, I'm sure it's easy to find out. But I'm not going to ruin it for you. I really hope you enjoy the movie! It's fantastic and absolutely hilarious!

Thanks and I hope you watch~!


So I haven't put up a new blog in a while, because I totally forgot about this blog, which is really sad. I should try to be better about this. I still have quite a few things to review and whatnot.

Although I do need to put more stuff up there to review. I randomly find a manga and start reading it, so maybe some mangas will be up there soon enough. Maybe some YouTube people. I may even put the station (TheStation) on there, or Matt Brown (swiftkaratechop). Who knows?

Anywho I've also been working on making videos for YouTube, but I've been falling back on that too. I should really work on keeping these things up to date.

The reason I haven't been able to is because I've been so occupied with random stuff, like roleplaying with my friends and playing Sims. But it's also schoolwork. I have a lot of it and that means I can't do this stuff as often. I really hope I could, though.

Not to mention, I just got a job, so it'll be even harder for me to update this. Hopefully I'll be able to update this more. For now, see ya soon! ...I hope.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

True Blood - TV SHOW ~ Review

First things first, a summary. True Blood, as far as I've watched, is about this girl who gets pulled into the vampire world, completely accidentally, and has to live through said situation. I stopped watching in the beginning because it bugged me so much. So, if you like the show, I highly recommend you stop reading NOW. I know what you're going to say: Don't criticize something you haven't seen all of. My response: I couldn't stand it enough to watch any more of it. It gave me the worst headache ever.

Second, the casting. Sookie (Sukie, however you spell it) really bugs me SO much. Whenever she comes on the screen, ALL I can see is that gap in her teeth. The vampire guy, whose name I cannot remember, I think it starts with a B... He was an okay casting call. He reminds me a bit of the vampire in MoonLight, which I decided not to review since I just cannot remember it that well. The two vampires look similar, but do not act similar.

Third, the directing. I honestly am not going to complain about the directing because I have nothing to say. The directing does not bother me. Not at all. The acting is an okay-job. I'm not going to criticize or condone the directing.

Fourth, the overall story, I don't know the overall story and I cannot say it's overdone, because it was one of the first vampire shows to surface in the TV world in this new vampire era. But, if you include books and whatnot, then it kind of is overdone. Although, the idea of a blood 'substitute' that's not actually blood bugs me. Why can't they just drink cow's blood? Simple, isn't it? Yeah. And, plus, vampires do not have souls.

Overall, I hated the show. Do not take my review and take it to heart, because this review makes me sound like a cold-hearted bitch. I just do not like the show. Do not judge me for this review. My other reviews are... better, mostly. My reviews are biased, and I realize that. But, aren't all reviews, kind of...?

Next on REVIEW: The Proposal - MOVIE

B/N: If you have something for me to watch, see, or look at, let me know and I'll see, watch, or look at whatever it is and review it.

My apologies

I haven't put up a new post in a while. And I strongly apologize for that. I haven't even come on this site in a while and I apologize for that too. I haven't been on in so long that I, well, I even forgot my email and password, which was kind of sad.

I don't think I'll do reviews at this point anymore. I've been so busy that I just can't really review things anymore. Okay, so anyone that knows me well knows I haven't actually been busy, but I've started making videos on YouTube. Even though they're crap, at least they're videos. I've been trying to update that every day, but as all my followers/friends know, I suck at doing things every day. I have like no idea how I'm going to keep to any commitment if it forces me to do so every day.

See, if I had loyal followers that actually commented a lot, I may actually put up a new blog every day, but no, I don't exactly have followers so my reviews are going down the toilet. If I have followers, beside my friends, I'd like you to comment, so that I know that I have followers and I may continue to review random TV shows or movies.

If you do comment, I'd be SO happy, you have no idea. My reviews will still be detailed and biased, you can count on that. I will try to get the True Blood review in if I get any comments from people I don't know. Though, I have quite a bit to do this weekend, since it is my sister's birthday.

Well, wish me luck! And please comment! I'd LOVE if you'd comment! Much, much love!

*MissyTay <3*

Monday, July 20, 2009

Roswell - TV SHOW ~ Review

First things first, a summary. Three young people, Max, Isabel, and Michael, come to Roswell, New Mexico. They meet a girl, Liz, who becomes the heroine of the show. The three people are aliens, that came from some planet and were born on earth. The story is about how the three of them are trying not to be found out by the police.

Second, the casting. It is kind of refreshing that the main alien is not hot, per se. He is normal-looking. A lot of shows that are like this, not typically alien shows, try to have a hot main character. I think that they could have chosen a better male to be the heroine's ex boyfriend.

Third, the directing. Oh my, the directing. I'd have to say that a different director would have made the show a lot better. The acting was horrible and I think it's the director's fault. I know how much stress is put on the director, but he/she could at least make things better in the show. I know, I know, piss moan, piss moan. I haven't seen the show in a while, so don't blame me, please.

The overall story. I do have to admit, it is original. I've never seen it before. Then again, I don't typically watch sci-fi shows. If you'd like to find out if this is original or not, find out from Anya Prynn's blog when she eventually watches it, which may be a while because she has SO MANY shows to watch before she even considers Roswell. So, for right now, you'll have to depend on the girl who watches more romance than science fiction. But, the story is pretty good. There is some romance in it, otherwise, I probably wouldn't have gone very far with it. I know, that's mean, but I get disinterested in things that don't involve romance. I'm a romance kind of girl.

Future aspects. I have to admit, a few of the things as the show went on, I was really not expecting. Like, SPOILER ALERT!!! There is a forth alien that comes in, somewhere in the third season. Now, that shocked me.

Location. I find it funny that, in actuality, the town of Roswell, New Mexico, really is obsessed with aliens, even though they do not exist. I believe Roswell was a good place to put this entire TV Show.

Overall, I liked the show. I would recommend it if you're into both science fiction and romance. Though, it's more of a normal teen show than science fiction.

NEXT on Review: Moonlight - TV SHOW

B/N: If you have something for me to watch, see, or look at, let me know and I'll see, watch, or look at whatever it is and review it.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hetalia - MANGA ~ Review

First things first, the summary. Hetalia doesn't exactly have a summary. There are a lot of characters who are named after countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, and various parts of the world. There is an America, a Cuba, a Canada, and, my favorite, Italy, and many more. The entire manga basically is a gateway to history that you may have never known, or that you may know, in a much more fascinating and hilarious way.

So, the drawing first. It is very well drawn. Because there are so many characters, I still don't know, sometimes, who is who, but that's just me. Every character has a distinctive thing about them. For instance, Germany has slick back blond hair and a very square face. Italy has a small curl from his hair. France has long hair and a distinguished look. England has thick eyebrows, the list goes on. I'm always really surprised with the intricate details that everyone seems to notice in the background. It's rather hilarious in context when you're reading it.

Now, the overall script. This manga is absolutely HILARIOUS. Of course, some jokes are more obvious than others, but overall, the manga makes you laugh really hard. Of course, it's on LiveJournal, so you need an account to read it and it sometimes is out of order, so you're not entirely sure which goes first. But, either way, you don't always need to know the order, because it's hilarious either way, whether you read it in order or out of order. Later on, I'll give you the link to where you can read Hetalia.

And then there's the storyline. I don't have much of a complaint, but there really is no storyline, to tell the truth. It's just about these countries going through the different wars, like WWI and WWII and some other wars. At least, I don't see any prominent storyline. But, it is still a great manga, even so.

Yes, this review is rather short, but here is the link: Hetalia Live Journal.

But, in order to read it in English, be sure to click on the links that say 'live journal' in them. Some of them are locked, so, for those, you do need to be a member, so beware. For others, though, they do not require you to be a member.

Anyway, I highly recommend this manga to anyone who has a good sense of humor. It will make you crack up so hard. Enjoy!

Next on REVIEW: Roswell - TV SHOW

B/N: If you ever want me to watch, see, or look at something, just let me know and I will watch it and review it!