Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fruits Basket - MANGA ~ Review

Warning: The majority of my posts will include a review of something, whether it be an anime, manga, movie, TV show, website, or YouTube video, or YouTube person. Underneath that will be my day, or, if I do the review early in the morning, my day will be in a separate post.

First things first, the summary. Fruits Basket is about a girl who lost her mother in a tragic car accident and ends up living in the woods, until she finds this house in the middle of no where and realizes that the 'Prince' of her school lives there. When he finds out she's living in the woods, he offers her a place to stay. But, she soon realizes a secret that will put a burden on the happy girl for the rest of her life.

First, I'll go into the drawing, the good and the bad. I really like her drawing style. It makes things funnier, in a sense. Some mangas have the tendency to either make their males too long-looking or too skinny and a bit creepy. But, not in Fruits Basket. It seems as though all of the males and the females are perfectly proportioned. If you're anything like me, it's difficult to read a manga with weirdly drawn people. Now, for the bad, in some panels there are still words written in Japanese in the back of some panels and I don't know what they mean because I do not speak Japanese, or read it for that matter. So, sometimes, it's not clear what I'm looking at, but I try to figure it out.

Now, for the overall script of it, it's mostly good and the characters are very distinctive in their own ways. But, occasionally, there is a speech bubble that I have absolutely no idea whose it is, so it tends to get confusing. But, most of the time, the words make sense to who is saying them and why they are saying them.

Last, but not least: the storyline. It makes a lot of sense, and it keeps me on my toes, laughing, crying, and getting angry at all the right parts. I do have favorite characters, as you will find out, in all my reviews. My favorite character is Kyo in this manga. He is just my favorite. The story line goes along smoothly and everything falls into place so well. Though, I do have to admit, there are a few cliches, but I can live with it and so can you.

Next on REVIEW: Fruits Basket - ANIME

B/N: If you want me to watch, look, or see something, please comment about it! Tell me to do so and I'll watch, look, and see it and review it to show you what I think! But, caution, if it is an anime, you may have to wait a week or two, or maybe even three, depending on whether or not I'm in school.

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